
Hello Little People

Oh Em Gee. Its Me!

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My name is Marissa & im the #1 Jerk (: but really tho. im only 14 but im sorta mature for my age. im a Scorpio & i love the way I am. no one can change that. Im sorry. :]

Monday, October 26, 2009

Synonyms, Security Guards and Favoritism

Why does all (or most) of my blogs talk about things that happened around the 2nd period time?
Me and my best friend, Mercedes, were walking down the hallway, talking about Christianity. So this security guard was like, "Move over! Move over!" She's trying to push us over with her broke-down walky talky. So we're moving over to the direction she's pushing us towards, wondering "Wtf is she doing?!" Then she's like "Now look down! See, if you was paying attention, this wouldn't have happened!" We look down and we're standing in Orange Juice! (or at least I thought... I HOPE it was Orange Juice...) I'm like "You made us do this!" A teacher was like "Why did you step in it?" Mercedes was like "That wasn't even our fault!"
Mind you, we were walking on the opposite side of the hall! She did that on purpose! I can't stand her. As Tiffani would say "She be on jokes!" :)

Now, we're finally in 2nd period (Environmental Science). We're learning about Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification, or something... Well, the two definitions for said words were supposed to be different but they were the same! It was just worded differently. So some of the students were like "Uh...those two words are the same.", and Ms. Lama was like "No they're not".
...Yes they are! The definitions are extremely similar... *sigh* anyways.

Lastly, favoritism. I had to go to the bathroom so badly. It wasn't even funny.
Me: Ms. Lama! *waves hand* Ms. Lama!
Lama: *talking to other student* Okay. Now summarize...
Me: *waves hand frantically* Oh God!
Friends: Ms. Lama....
Lama: Yes?
Friends: Marissa has to go to the bathroom
Lama: One second...
Tiffani: Can I go to the bathroom to get some tissue?
Lama: Yes

OMG!! Everyone was like "Go pee! Just go! Walk out! Just go!!" & I was like "No...I don't... wanna get in trouble...". I eventually went, but how can someone go to the bathroom for tissue & I have an emergency, and I can't go? I just don't understand her sometimes...


  1. Okay. Strange, stupid teacher. Even stranger, stupider security guard!
    Is stupider a word??


  2. i died laughing this whole blog lol
    im so serious! lmaooooo


Heycomment me! :) ♥