So I'm just being a good, couch potato American & I'm watching TV
(Austin Powers *thumbs up*)
& of course the 5 minute long commercials come on. One of em have to be a medicine commercial.
It was just saying stuff like "Are you depressed? One in (very low number) of people are diagnosed with depression. Blah blah, blah."
Then it goes on to talk about this lovely medicine ( I forgot the name already ).
But then of course, they have to talk about the side effects. I guess they wanted to go from terrible to bad, because the 1st thing was "Death".
DEATH?! Are you serious?! What's in that pill anyways? Arsenic?! I thought medicine was suppose to help you.
Well I guess they're saying
"Well since your so depressed, we've decided to kill you first before you kill you! So hey! Look at it this way! At least you can't go to hell for doing something like *air quotes* "committing suicide" psh!"
& then people are just like
"No way! I like, so didn't think of that! I'll buy 3!"
And now people are probably... still depressed, having strokes, blood pressure that sky rocketed and yes, death.
So uh... I say go the natural way & do things to make you have fun...
Because if you're like this..
You better get like this...
Or this...
OR this...
Before you end up like this...
With the help of this...
haha uh... yup! ♥
Hell naw, i saw that commercial man!!! Me and my granny was like "What the hell?" lol...and you're so right about that killing you before u can kill yourself thing. Depressed people prob be like "Hey, got nothing to lose...'cept a life....lets go for it" lol
ReplyDeleteAnd you were killin me when u started postin the pics lol i was scrollin down bustin up man