
Hello Little People

Oh Em Gee. Its Me!

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My name is Marissa & im the #1 Jerk (: but really tho. im only 14 but im sorta mature for my age. im a Scorpio & i love the way I am. no one can change that. Im sorry. :]

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Alchemist said believe in omens.

Well, I was just reading a little bit of that book ( The Alchemist ], so that's why the title is the title it is.

Today was a pretty normal day. Except for when it gets to 7th period. I have American Lit for 7th period && ya know, like I said, normal.

We turn in our essays && the teacher tells us our new topic: Rags to Riches. We will be reading The Great Gatsby for this. She's passing out the books saying

"Look and remember the book # you have. That's the book # you will have until the end"

I get my book & before I can even look on the back of the front cover to see my book #, the name, in big, bold letters "Antonio" appear...

What ?! *looks up to sky* What are you trying to tell me ?!

...Okay for the people that don't have the 411, Antonio is my ex-boyfriend/best friend. I know, obviously people thought it was the Antonio that went to my school ( wrong 1 ]. But still. The name !

Me: Ms. Ryan ?

Ms.R: Yes ?

Me: Can I change my book ?

Everyone around me: What's wrong ?

Me: It says Antonio on the back cover of the first page.

Everyone: *laughs*

Ms.R: I don't get it.

Me: Antonio is my ex-boyfriend.

Ms.R: Antonio Scales ?!

Me: Ew ! No ! He doesn't go to DHW...

Shelby: What's wrong with Antonio ?

Me: Nothing's wrong...it's just creepy ! Why -- *whinig* Ms. Ryan ?!

Everyone: *laughs*

Tiffani: I'll switch books with you

Me: *happy dance* Thank-You !

Tiffani: Ms. Ryan, Marissa and me switched books.

Everyone: *looks back or over at me and snickers*

Me: That's not funny !

....that's not funny.... it's not...

Like I said before: No problem. It's just overly ironic && creepy !

I was telling one of my best friends && she was like


Me: yeah, yeah. enough with your words.


&& THEN ! the freaking quote out the Alchemist was like:

"You will never be able to escape your heart. So it's better to listen to what it has to say. That way, you will never have to fear an unanticipated blow."


*puts 2 fingers and thumb on each side of forehead* "Oh my God. I am so stressed!" (insider *smiles*)

1 comment:

  1. it wasnt that long u silly girl lol
    haha naw but really that was kinda like a sign ....sorry about assumin it was Scales though lol
    and then the passage in the alchemist added on to the situation
    u have some thinkin ta do yung sister lol but seriously


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