
Hello Little People

Oh Em Gee. Its Me!

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My name is Marissa & im the #1 Jerk (: but really tho. im only 14 but im sorta mature for my age. im a Scorpio & i love the way I am. no one can change that. Im sorry. :]

Saturday, October 3, 2009

a love for Jellyfish.

I don't know why, but I remembered that a Jellyfish is possibly the most dangerous creature on Earth.

Something so beautiful... something that moves so lightly and so freely is such a danger to anyone around it. If something that can mean no harm gets too close to a Jellyfish, it'll kill said enemy and worse.

Some days... I look at myself as a Jellyfish. I'll never say I'm beautiful, but I'd stop saying I'm ugly. There are days when I just move through life lightly and freely. Those are the days where I wouldn't remember a thing. If a person, possibly a boy, gets too close, or wants to get too close, I'd probably, slowly but surely, kill them. Not literally, people! Gosh! But yeah...

I'm now a Jellyfish.

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