Alright. Happily, I've been able to overcome my feelings of teenage depression. Well, err... uh... just for a few hours or so. And in these few hours of my bored, yet happy life, I'd decided to tell you about my time in 2nd period yesterday ( Friday ].
So we were learning about the Food Chain and the Food Web, which is like ... so freaking ... elementary, but my teacher, Ms. Lama, doesn't really care.
So after we spent the majority of our class period hopelessly re-learning something at the 4th, maybe 5th grade level, she told us to get in groups of 2 and make our own food chain, or food web. Which ever one tickled our fancy the most, i guess.
Of course!, I partnered up with one of my friends, Mercedes. I wanted to switch the style up a little bit so i said "Let's do a sea food web!"
Oh yeah... smart!
So we start off with the algae ( duh.. that's like grass to fish ]. So then we draw our arrows & Mercedes says something that gets me thinking.
"Do clown fish eat algae? 'Cause I've never known a clown fish to eat fish. Don't they eat those sea nema-things?"
"Aw you mean the sea a-nema-nema-nema-sumthing?"
So we get done laughing and finishing our project ( excluding the fact that Ms. Lama loves to just pick on Mercedes like she's some senior bully or something. But Mercedes put her foot down! ( as if it wasn't already down) & was going off on Ms. Lama.. well, technically, she wasn't going off, it was more like saying
"I do my work! I'm a good student and u can {bite me} call my mother!" ].
Err.. Uh.. Yeah! i found out those little things are called sea anemone. I still can't properly pronounce it, if you ask me. But it's not my problem. The little clown fish have to live in those ( and not eat them.. are those things even edible? ]
I was rollin when i was readin the second to last paragraph Marissa!!! Im not gone even put laughin out loud cause i was like yoddlin out loud!!!! SOOOOOO true....and i cant pronounce anemone either :(