
Hello Little People

Oh Em Gee. Its Me!

My photo
My name is Marissa & im the #1 Jerk (: but really tho. im only 14 but im sorta mature for my age. im a Scorpio & i love the way I am. no one can change that. Im sorry. :]

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Deadly School Supplies !

Firstly, I would like to say Happy Halloween! I'm not much of a Halloween person anymore, but in the future, I may be. I never carved a pumpkin, so I think that will be pretty epic. As for now, I'll just watch scary movies (extremely scared of Horror films...)

Now...on with my blog! I was talking with someone one day when I was walking to AVID and what I said made me think...

School supplies are seriously...dangerous, but they won't let us have rat-tail combs or a plastic knife.

I know what you're thinking:

*High pitched voice* Why would you have a plastic knife at school?!

Well...maybe, someone wanted to cut up their pizza properly, or they probably brought some chicken to school and wanted to cut it up evenly to share with friends... IDK.

Okay, but with a rat-tail comb. It's a comb. I mean even though it's like sort of...pointy on the other end, it does very well with parting :)

But now you have scissors. Scissors! It may not do MAJOR damage..but it can do damage. Actually, I take that back. One of the schools in my campus had an incident where a boy got stabbed last year. He was only in the hospital for a day, or maybe they stretched the hours too far, but he was in a hospital. Either way, scissors=injury.

Next, sharp pencils. I'm not sure if it's only me, but I like writing with semi-dull, semi-sharp pencils. Others I know like super-sharp pencils. That's bad...

Then u have those HUGE textbooks. You can like...beat a person bloody with those things. Have you seen the Biology books?!

Lastly, glue. Idk if glue is non-toxic or not...but a person can die of poising if they swallow glue... right ? RIGHT?!

My point has been made :)

You see the Biology book? Our biology books are bigger! I'm not over-exaggerating, either. That's how big the Algebra books are, and we're getting bigger ones soon...Look at that... deadly. Side Note: Have you seen that episode of Fairly OddParents when it was Job Day or something, and Timmy's dad was a "pencil pusher"? (whatever that is) Well anyways, the kids were throwing the pencils at his dad, and he almost got murdered!

Even though the handle design is pretty nifty, look at the sharpness!Even though it says "Safe, Non-Toxic", it can be dangerous... you never know... just a thought... Keep that in mind when you play Arts-n-Crafts with little ones...They said it was called a "bone comb"...which makes me want to say Bone, Thugz-n-Harmony, but...the end isn't even THAT sharp. You'll need major force to give someone a major poke...

p.s. the school locks ! Just think about it. A person can take off a lock or two...or three and put it(them) on his/her I.D. lanier and start swinging at whomever. *sigh*

... I noticed the mark isn't all the way on the zero....

Thursday, October 29, 2009


so the title pretty much gives the summary of what this blog will be about. This will be super short ! (I'm sure...) :
Today...we had a food fight. It was so lame though ! Only like 3 people threw food and the rest were throwing food on the ground. I, myself, Marissa, didn't care who was throwing food, because I was way too busy grabbing my binder, purse and book bag, running towards the door. I also had to grab the remaining of my food :D
My gold fish and chocolate chip cookie :]
Does that make me "fat"?
I don't think so ! Unlike my friend, who seriously grabbed like 3 pieces of pizza, crust, chocolate milk, gold fish, cookies and what else... oh yeah, her book bag and everything else. It was so funny.
I hate food fights because we have to wear white shirts and khakis. I'll be darned if I get ketchup on my pants, then get on a public transportation after school. People will seriously think I don't know what to do when my "period" starts. That's so embarrassing !
But the other reason is because the security guards, teachers, whomsoever, won't let us out the door! So we're like easy targets :O
I know they do that so the actual starters won't get away, but THINK ABOUT ME! An innocent student, just eating her food, listening to her iPod, occasionally banging a super cool beat on the lunch table and talking with her friends.
*sigh* Oh well.... they have cameras in the lunch room, so they knew who threw the food and everything. I bet they were laughing at us run... Lol. Now that I think of it, that would be kind of funny to see that :]

Monday, October 26, 2009

Synonyms, Security Guards and Favoritism

Why does all (or most) of my blogs talk about things that happened around the 2nd period time?
Me and my best friend, Mercedes, were walking down the hallway, talking about Christianity. So this security guard was like, "Move over! Move over!" She's trying to push us over with her broke-down walky talky. So we're moving over to the direction she's pushing us towards, wondering "Wtf is she doing?!" Then she's like "Now look down! See, if you was paying attention, this wouldn't have happened!" We look down and we're standing in Orange Juice! (or at least I thought... I HOPE it was Orange Juice...) I'm like "You made us do this!" A teacher was like "Why did you step in it?" Mercedes was like "That wasn't even our fault!"
Mind you, we were walking on the opposite side of the hall! She did that on purpose! I can't stand her. As Tiffani would say "She be on jokes!" :)

Now, we're finally in 2nd period (Environmental Science). We're learning about Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification, or something... Well, the two definitions for said words were supposed to be different but they were the same! It was just worded differently. So some of the students were like "Uh...those two words are the same.", and Ms. Lama was like "No they're not".
...Yes they are! The definitions are extremely similar... *sigh* anyways.

Lastly, favoritism. I had to go to the bathroom so badly. It wasn't even funny.
Me: Ms. Lama! *waves hand* Ms. Lama!
Lama: *talking to other student* Okay. Now summarize...
Me: *waves hand frantically* Oh God!
Friends: Ms. Lama....
Lama: Yes?
Friends: Marissa has to go to the bathroom
Lama: One second...
Tiffani: Can I go to the bathroom to get some tissue?
Lama: Yes

OMG!! Everyone was like "Go pee! Just go! Walk out! Just go!!" & I was like "No...I don't... wanna get in trouble...". I eventually went, but how can someone go to the bathroom for tissue & I have an emergency, and I can't go? I just don't understand her sometimes...

Friday, October 23, 2009

You wanna throw the 1st punch ?

We all know that fighting is overrated. Now fighting over a boy is overrated and stupid. Why, is my question. It's the most ignorant and ghetto thing. Stereotype put aside, but it's always the "hood rats" doing it over some "gangster", under-educated boy. I actually saw something like that. There was the baby mama and the girlfriend. They both looked pregnant if you ask me. The baby daddy/boyfriend was with his friends on the sideline (we'll call this the bystander's zone].

So why the two girls, who looked harrowingly strange, are at each other's neck like wild lions. They're circling each other and throwing razor blade words (although they aren't hurting each other]. But in the bystander's zone, the boy and his friends are laughing & throwing in their own words. Then the girls start fighting. The bystanders lost their minds! The boys busting out video phones and everything. It was a mess!

I think my point has been made...


This happened last week, but I'm just now getting to it. Last week, one of my best friends, Mercedes, told me about what happened in Spanish. These three jerk-off sophomores (on blast!; Juan, Derrion and Emmanuel] are talking about one of my new friends, Kristie. Kristie dresses nice, professionally. She talks properly, she minds her own business, she isn't loud & she looks smart. She's a cool girl. So these *profanity* saying how she dresses like an old lady and all this stuff. She just ignored them. Way to go, Kristie! Hats off to you!
Just because she not in school all loud and rowdy, just because she's not all on the LAME dudes, she gotta be talked about? All these dudes want are "Bust it babies" (as Kristie says).
Some of them will grow out of it and some will never grow up...
How many adult men do you know that want a hood rat? How man do you know that wants to marry them? None...

Bad Poem - Don't Read !

This have no title
But I didn't ask for one.
The teens wake up
When the stars are one.
They care for none
Not even themselves.
Only a quick go
And it's on to hell.
The way they only want a kiss
A simple lick is all it takes.
I know a guy
Never takes a break.
Walk up to a girl
He's not even a man.
"I wanna say nice ass.
I mean Hi. I hope you'll understand".
Some for love
Most for lust.
Just grab from the crowd
To get a quick nut.
Roaming the streets
Neglecting the sleep.
Trying to get hurt
The families that weep.
They only want the bad boys
They only want the hood rats.
They never get the good girls
Or never any cool cats.
But let's face the real facts.
That it's how we once act.
Living life in the quick zone.
For the bags of weed
And cold patron.
But all in time
We do get wise.
Realizing it was mistakes
What we thought was prize.
We live different lives
We lose some friends.
But surely we'll die
Surely in the end.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Dream ?!

I tell people about a few of my dreams && they all know that their very weird ! Like... makes no sense weird. Even my recent nightmare(s) was weird in the beginning or towards the end. This is what I dreamt last night/this morning.. yeah :

I'm not sure how it officially started, but here's what I remember :

Me, my 2nd period class and some other people were in the science room. We weren't doing anything. We were getting ready for a trip. So we go on the trip, but we went no where ! We got on the Coach bus and drove around in some circles, down the street and we got lost... So the teachers were like

"Go ahead and buy stuff, kids!"

So I go in the gas station and I buy a cookie. But the freakin STORE GUY took my money, but didn't give me my cookie back. So i was like

"uh..excuse me ? I didn't get my cookie."

So this rude ---- threw me a Mr. Good Bar ! What ?!.. so i take the Mr. Good Bar and walk out the store, head down, sad because I didn't get my cookie :(

When I walk out the store, the bus is literally leaving EVERYONE ! So we running like WTF. but we turn around and the school is right there....

We go back to the science class. Just chilling. Then there were kids outside the door tryna get in or watever, but they went to a different school.

Then this police officer walk in && it was like some.... criminal attack outside in the halls or whatever ( I guess that's why there were tryna get in ). So we let em in && it's like a party in the back, but I wasn't interested.

I sit by the window && this girl I know look down at me && is giving me that signal like

"Yo...check ur pants, man !" So i look && I DONT HAVE ANY BOTTOMS ON !!!

So im searching && this boy I know name Chris (football star ) is lookin at me && I feel so embarrassed. I finally find my shorts && put em on..

Then my friend walks in tellin me about how she seriously had sex with this boy outside in the halls.

I'm like :-/

The criminal is caught...blah blah.

The bell rings && everyone walks out. Me && my friends always take like 2 extra minutes to get out the class. A chair accidentally fall bcuz I bumped into it. So the police officer grabs me by my arm and is tryna write me a ticket. I'm like "What are you doing?!"

So he asking me 21 THOUSAND questions about this stupid, already broke chair. My friends are tryna defend me && I get mad.

So I was like "How the fuck you gone write me a ticket for accidentally bumping a chair. Fuck outta here!" && i walk out the class.

(excuse the language)...

The school is not our school ! It's like some...museum/fancy lounge thing !

Then I get tackled by Antonio && I wake up....

WHEN I WAKE UP ! I look at my phone && Antonio sent me a text "Are you sleep?"


Friday, October 16, 2009

Hello ? Hello ?

So I can't talk on the phone ( I have reasons ], but I do text like I'm going crazy.

So long ago, I told people I can't talk on the phone. For a month, people would still call me. Then they got the hint && ended up texting me ( I guess they told Mommy they needed unlimited texts from now on ].

So now, I have like people just calling me leaving me funny voicemails ( to lighten up my day, I see ]. But now I have like people calling me from numbers that aren't saved in my phone. Then they'll call me like 2 to 3 times. They won't even leave a voicemail. How am I suppose to know who you are if you don't make yourself known ?

One time I was about to seriously answer the phone on one number, because they called like 6 or 7 times && didn't leave any type of voicemail. Is my answering machine THAT entertaining ? It's nothing special: only me sounding extremely happy.

...Just leave a message next time okay ? I like to hear those ( the good ones ] && if I know who said person is, I can like text em and say "yeah." blah, blah.

I know this was pointless && short, but it just happened, so why not blog about it ?!

p.s. My freaking headphones are skipping ! You know what I mean. When the sound will jump out of one of the ear buds && you have to move the cord around just to get it to cooperate. I hate that. I dance around when I listen to my iPod. I don't need it like "An--Uh--Ooo-Ya--And--Go--Lo--Uh--"... that's not a song. That's some.. subliminal messages.

My pretty blue headphones are skipping. I was planing on saving my little money ( because my mom isn't giving me anymore anytime soon ], but I see I gotta spend that. I can't wait to get a job !

OMG ! I seriously want some headphones like that ^^ :]

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Alchemist said believe in omens.

Well, I was just reading a little bit of that book ( The Alchemist ], so that's why the title is the title it is.

Today was a pretty normal day. Except for when it gets to 7th period. I have American Lit for 7th period && ya know, like I said, normal.

We turn in our essays && the teacher tells us our new topic: Rags to Riches. We will be reading The Great Gatsby for this. She's passing out the books saying

"Look and remember the book # you have. That's the book # you will have until the end"

I get my book & before I can even look on the back of the front cover to see my book #, the name, in big, bold letters "Antonio" appear...

What ?! *looks up to sky* What are you trying to tell me ?!

...Okay for the people that don't have the 411, Antonio is my ex-boyfriend/best friend. I know, obviously people thought it was the Antonio that went to my school ( wrong 1 ]. But still. The name !

Me: Ms. Ryan ?

Ms.R: Yes ?

Me: Can I change my book ?

Everyone around me: What's wrong ?

Me: It says Antonio on the back cover of the first page.

Everyone: *laughs*

Ms.R: I don't get it.

Me: Antonio is my ex-boyfriend.

Ms.R: Antonio Scales ?!

Me: Ew ! No ! He doesn't go to DHW...

Shelby: What's wrong with Antonio ?

Me: Nothing's wrong...it's just creepy ! Why -- *whinig* Ms. Ryan ?!

Everyone: *laughs*

Tiffani: I'll switch books with you

Me: *happy dance* Thank-You !

Tiffani: Ms. Ryan, Marissa and me switched books.

Everyone: *looks back or over at me and snickers*

Me: That's not funny !

....that's not funny.... it's not...

Like I said before: No problem. It's just overly ironic && creepy !

I was telling one of my best friends && she was like


Me: yeah, yeah. enough with your words.


&& THEN ! the freaking quote out the Alchemist was like:

"You will never be able to escape your heart. So it's better to listen to what it has to say. That way, you will never have to fear an unanticipated blow."


*puts 2 fingers and thumb on each side of forehead* "Oh my God. I am so stressed!" (insider *smiles*)

Why so selfish ?

Okay. So I have this friend. A lot of friends, I guess.
So this friend knows almost every boy from one of the other schools in the campus we go to.
Out of 50 boys, she like about 10. Out of that 10, there's 5 she wants to be "emotionally" attached to. But here's the problem ( during the time):
Boy #1 likes me. I like Boy #1. We go together
Boy #2 likes our friend. She likes Boy #2. They go together.
Boy #3 is talking to a friend of hers. They may get together
Boy #4 && Boy #5 are dating other girls.

She doesn't want to talk to Boy #6-10, because she's depressed. So... I mean... what do you want us to do ? Break up with them or have them break up with their girlfriends so you can be satisfied? There are handful of boys that like her && try to talk to her, but she's not having it.
Truth of the matter is, she's boy crazy ! A teenage, boy-crazy girl doesn't want to be completely, 100% emotionally attached. However, how can you be emotionally attached with 5 boys ? "Emotionally attached" means she wants to pick a guy, settle down && live her life with said guy. So you're just going to pick one out the group like he's an apple in water ? It doesn't work that way... She has the hardest problems with guys...

...Why so selfish ? Why do people hate to see someone happy for their own pleasure ?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

How will we survive ?

Okay so in 4th period, me & my friends were talking about how they said the world will end on December 21st in 2012. So half the time, we just laughing and joking about it. But i started to think: How da hell ?!
Who said I wanted to die that young ? One of my friends ___, actually was like "Yeah. Imma get pregnant at the end of my Junior year, have my baby my senior year." And all this stuff. I'm not sure if this is because of the 2012 thing or not, but she had it so planned out. I'm still going to the baby shower !
Okay I'm getting off topic... I don't wanna die that soon ! But now I'm really not fretting, because they said the world was gonna end in 2000, 2004 ( i think ] && sum other years. And it's 2009 && we still here. How will we survive that ? People saying the world will burst into flames, because the Sun will come flying towards Earth. More jokes. Other people said the Mayans predicted this && they feel the Mayans weren't as smart as us. Some say the world is gonna flood or something. But.. I don't know. I guess that's it.
I don't wanna die in 2012. That's all I gotta say. How can anyone survive some stuff like that. Promise: if we survive, on December 22nd,2012, I will blog my ASS off!
That is..if blogger closes or sum off-the-wall stuff like that, but if not...
*cyber pinky promise* :]
Hope to see you then !

Is hard work too hard ?

Okay, so in 2nd period, it's Science. We had the easiet homework! Print out pictures of stuff for a certain biome! Not like 30 pictures either. Four! Only 4!
So explain to me why my group members, my best friends, Antionette and Mercedes, didn't do it? I brought in two pictures for two biomes: Tundra and Coniferous Forest. Antionette brings in NOTHING (haha) & Mercedes bringing in pictures of kids from Germany. What ?! *laughs*
Pictures of dead deer heads on the wall & cut-out pages from science books! Then Mercedes got the front cover of a Christian magazine, having words like "Reformers" & "Anointing". It was hilarious. I'm still laughing about that.
Antionette ended up drawing a desert *laughs*. But I gotta cut Mercedes some slack. Her pictures was good for 3 of the other biomes. 3 outta 4! We didn't even know until after (when Ms. Lama was like "Yeah. this is savanna! blah blah"). I'll cut her some slack.
Man, I love my friends! ♥ -10.14.2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

Why we can't unify.

OMG, so I'm just IMing my friend or whatever && this dude seriously pissed me off.
So his school is different from mines. He talking about the freshman are black, the sophomores white, the juniors blue and the seniors red or something. Then he going on about at pep rallies, they b booing each other & stuff. For homecoming, they gotta go to different places.
So I'm telling this dude how he a lame for actually going with that & stuff. And he just like "naw" or whatever.
Yeah! You a lame. In schools, you're supposed to be a whole, not having wars against each other just because your in different grades. How you're gonna make friends from different grades doing some stupid stuff like that? I went off. I'm telling like how my school come together as a whole ( even though they wanna be immature & lame & boo us, I still cheer for them. I don't go along with that nonsense ). I'm saying how for homecoming ( which I couldn't go to... *cries* ) all 3 schools come together & just act crazy & have fun or whatever. & he like "ew.", like that's a bad thing.
I seriously lost my mind. I signed out on him and everything.
How can we try to unify the world or at least the different races & stuff if people want to be isolated at arrogant about this type of stuff. This stuff happening at young ages and stuff. This is a shame & I get extremely mad over that type of stuff. It's not necessary.

&& I know I said stuff a lot in this blog, but IDK why. I'm just mad.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Close yo mouth Mascot!

So today it was Spirit Day. This day was so ( what's the word I'm looking for ? )
Today was so... WRONG!
It was beautiful seeing the entire campus ( 3 schools in 1 ) come together & wear the school colors, buying up the pom-poms & necklaces & cheering for the Panthers.
It was beautiful because we were all united ( seeing as Bronzeville ( BSI ) & DuSable Leadership hate each other & since Bronzeville & Daniel Hale Williams ( DHW ) are like brothers, we kind of hate DuSable Leadership ( DLA ) too. )
Today, everyone was in black, red & white & we were all like "yay! Go Panthers!!!!!"
But of course, there are always some that want to mess something up.
People coming in with yellow, gray, green, blue...
I'm like WTF ARE U DOING?!

I mean c'mon now, even if I don't like the football team for reasons, I was still like "yay! go #15/#35/#53/# whatever" ( mainly because I know them ). Some people were just booing them all together. I'm like "Show some respect. This IS the freaking football team."

Alright so when the prep rally come up, I'm all... pepped up! Everyone's dancing, singinig, waving their little cheap, plastic, black and red, $1 pom-poms around, but it's alright! The mascots are running around being silly & of course they're mouths are permanently open, so I'm being really goofy & saying "CLOSE YOUR MOUTH!"
I was cracking up, because it was hilarious to me, especially when one of em actually tried to close his mouth. PRICELESS!
When the prep rally actually starts, BSI, OUR BROTHERS! are over there booing us! I'm like WTF?! I mean c'mon now. This is a campus. I don't see why people are booing each other. This one supposed to be one day where we all come together as a whole & cheer for our football players & show our school spirit. I didn't care. I was still cheering for people that I knew & everything. People were going around with camcorders from different schools & I was still like "Hi camera! Go Panthers!" Even when the freaking football players came out, I was cheering for them, even if I can't stand them. It was a few I was going crazy for though ( Evan, Chris, Sean, Mark, that guy that had the football in his hand :D He was so cute! )

So people are performing & of course everyone in the audience is standing up, standing on the chairs, jumping around, screaming, and people are like
"Sit down! Be quiet! Sit down!"
... excuse me... I thought this was a PREP RALLY. at a prep rally, people lose their freaking minds!

It started to get boring anyways. People was getting mad because they kept saying sit down & it was no point for that. Saying people in the back couldn't see. Well they need to stand up! They're not disabled! They got moving legs. They better use em!

*sigh* And to top it off, we lost! Last year, we was on our A-Game! We won and everything. Now this year, they wanna get all rusty.

*waves hands poorly* go panthers....

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It's only because I care

Okay so I have this friend. Let's just say her name is...
Nettie ( Mercedes know who I'm talking about ].
So Nettie is very... uh... confused?
Is that the correct word?
I say this because there are two guys.
The ex boyfriend & the ex(?) crush.
So the ex boyfriend is a total DOUCHE!! I couldn't stand him for 3 years. He's is so rude & heartless & evil. He cares nothing for the girls he's dating. He's a cheater & he treated Nettie ( which happens to be my best friend ] like a complete dog!
One minute he calling her out of her name, the next he talking about they never went together & the next he like "We broke up! Remember?!" && I'm like .... can YOU remember!? Obviously YOU'RE having the memory problems.
But I don't understand why she keeps crawling back to him. She said she wasn't going to talk to him anymore & here she go, today, texting him. WHY?!
So she's in 8th period like "Ooh (insert name here) is blowing me! He always acting shady!"
Well YEAH!!
Being such the heartfelt person that I am, I told her.
Well I was actually like :
So she's just sitting there ...
*pops a Tylenol*

Now... on with the ex-crush.
He is so on/off with her. I don't get where this dudes think they can just treat her any kind of way.
He over there whispering in her ear talking about "When I'm-a get in them draws?"
What?! She so confused, though. She just like "...i don't know..."
I woulda been like "Better find some other girl to stick your no good self inside, because I'm not the one!"

Just UGH!!
*pops another Tylenol*
Why do she take that crap!?

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Medicine = Death!

So I'm just being a good, couch potato American & I'm watching TV
(Austin Powers *thumbs up*)
& of course the 5 minute long commercials come on. One of em have to be a medicine commercial.
It was just saying stuff like "Are you depressed? One in (very low number) of people are diagnosed with depression. Blah blah, blah."
Then it goes on to talk about this lovely medicine ( I forgot the name already ).
But then of course, they have to talk about the side effects. I guess they wanted to go from terrible to bad, because the 1st thing was "Death".

DEATH?! Are you serious?! What's in that pill anyways? Arsenic?! I thought medicine was suppose to help you.
Well I guess they're saying
"Well since your so depressed, we've decided to kill you first before you kill you! So hey! Look at it this way! At least you can't go to hell for doing something like *air quotes* "committing suicide" psh!"
& then people are just like
"No way! I like, so didn't think of that! I'll buy 3!"
And now people are probably... still depressed, having strokes, blood pressure that sky rocketed and yes, death.
So uh... I say go the natural way & do things to make you have fun...

Because if you're like this..

You better get like this...

Or this...

OR this...

Before you end up like this...

With the help of this...

haha uh... yup! ♥

Saturday, October 3, 2009

a love for Jellyfish.

I don't know why, but I remembered that a Jellyfish is possibly the most dangerous creature on Earth.

Something so beautiful... something that moves so lightly and so freely is such a danger to anyone around it. If something that can mean no harm gets too close to a Jellyfish, it'll kill said enemy and worse.

Some days... I look at myself as a Jellyfish. I'll never say I'm beautiful, but I'd stop saying I'm ugly. There are days when I just move through life lightly and freely. Those are the days where I wouldn't remember a thing. If a person, possibly a boy, gets too close, or wants to get too close, I'd probably, slowly but surely, kill them. Not literally, people! Gosh! But yeah...

I'm now a Jellyfish.

Sea A-nema-nema-nema-sumthing

Alright. Happily, I've been able to overcome my feelings of teenage depression. Well, err... uh... just for a few hours or so. And in these few hours of my bored, yet happy life, I'd decided to tell you about my time in 2nd period yesterday ( Friday ].

So we were learning about the Food Chain and the Food Web, which is like ... so freaking ... elementary, but my teacher, Ms. Lama, doesn't really care.

So after we spent the majority of our class period hopelessly re-learning something at the 4th, maybe 5th grade level, she told us to get in groups of 2 and make our own food chain, or food web. Which ever one tickled our fancy the most, i guess.

Of course!, I partnered up with one of my friends, Mercedes. I wanted to switch the style up a little bit so i said "Let's do a sea food web!"

Oh yeah... smart!

So we start off with the algae ( duh.. that's like grass to fish ]. So then we draw our arrows & Mercedes says something that gets me thinking.

"Do clown fish eat algae? 'Cause I've never known a clown fish to eat fish. Don't they eat those sea nema-things?"

"Aw you mean the sea a-nema-nema-nema-sumthing?"


So we get done laughing and finishing our project ( excluding the fact that Ms. Lama loves to just pick on Mercedes like she's some senior bully or something. But Mercedes put her foot down! ( as if it wasn't already down) & was going off on Ms. Lama.. well, technically, she wasn't going off, it was more like saying
"I do my work! I'm a good student and u can {bite me} call my mother!" ].

Err.. Uh.. Yeah! i found out those little things are called sea anemone. I still can't properly pronounce it, if you ask me. But it's not my problem. The little clown fish have to live in those ( and not eat them.. are those things even edible? ]

Falling out the Clouds

I was gonna blog like crazy last night. I was gonna talk about all these stuff that's been on my mind ( funny or not ], but ... the world doesn't like me.
I'm just ... hurt. Yeah, that's all I can say.
This whole week, I've been running my mouth && talking about this boy, Antonio, for the longest. Every conversation had his name in it. Come to find out on Friday, I was lied to. I hate being lied to. No matter what the cause. If it's a good reason why a person lied to me, I can take it. But just to lie out of your entertainment is really incongruous. One day, he said he had me when i was 18, bcuz u know i'll be grown && won't have to worry about a lot of things && a lot of drama, but yesterday he was like "the 18 thing will soon pass over".

What ?! I -- I can't even talk about it anymore...
I just feel like I've been kicked around.
I just feel like shit.