Omg. So im IMing my friend Joseph. i havent talked 2 this dude in months.
Not surprised. If we talk, we'll talk for a day or a week && won't talk to each other in months.
Not that we dont like each other, its just cuz he live in the Virgin Islands && im all the way over here && yeah && yeah && yeah!
So he on webcam or w/e && being goofy. He on his bike just showin off && everything, so he takin 4ever 2 reply back && when he do he go " l0l ". im like What's funny?!
I'll have a long ass sentence && he'll say l0l. im like :-/
wat imma say to that?? i already put haha in the sentence
But dats the guy. We real cool. He just gotta keep the convo's goin b4 he bore me 2 sleep.
&& like my baby daddy/best friend Andre. He moved to Jamaica on me! && when i say sumthing he'll go
ROFL! ROFL! ROFL! LOL. LOL. LOL. && im like "it wasnt even...that funny.
*sigh* my babies. my babies.
im seriously gone stop sayin lol if im not is gettin a little annoyin now