
Hello Little People

Oh Em Gee. Its Me!

My photo
My name is Marissa & im the #1 Jerk (: but really tho. im only 14 but im sorta mature for my age. im a Scorpio & i love the way I am. no one can change that. Im sorry. :]

Saturday, September 19, 2009

got the virus.

So yesterday, I was feeling kinda sick.

Not really ( in the beginning ], only my throat && head hurt.

I took a few pills in 3rd period so it'll pass over, but I ended up being 

knocked out.

So when it comes to 4th period, I wasnt in the mood to even change into my gym uniform. 

We did our exercises && what-not, but then my stomach started hurtin like

mad crazy. So i lay down on the bleachers && outta nowhere I start

making these nasty noises like I'm havin an uncomfortable orgasm

or sumthing. When my G, Mona Lisa asked was I okay, 

I tried 2 answer her, but my throat hurt so badly, I bust out crying.

It felt like the Devil himself was tryna escape from my body. No jokes.

Me bestie Mercedes! :D brought me downstairs 2 the nurse 

&& i had a temp of 100.6 && had to go home.

The freakin nurse thought i was pregnant or sumthing.

Im like Why do everyone think i'm pregnant?!?

Its so aggravating. Sorry to crush ur hopes people, but I'm not. ;;

I got home like around 1:45 && i slept from that time until 10

&& The Green Mile was on. my body felt like it's been taking a few hits from a metal bat.

My nose felt broken, my arms were falling asleep && cramped up.

My stomach was doin flips && twists, my head felt like its been hit against the wall a few times. 

It was terrible. I was just feeling terrible. Moving was a challenge to God. Opening my mouth to cough

was a threat against my life. I felt like shit yesterday.

I took 1 NyQuil. I was suppose 2 take two, but the pills were huge

&& i got scared I was pushing it by taking 2.

The back of the box said excitability may occur && they was not lying.

the TV was speeding up && the room was spinning.

I thought I was dying last night.

U think i'm playing.

I ended up sleepin on the couch.

I woke up feeling a lil better,but my throat still hurt && I got mad hot/cold flashes. 

Pray for me y'all!


  1. !!!!....thats sounds so scary!!! The room was spinnin!?!? I kno u said people thought u were pregnant but i was thinkin u were experiencing a great hangover lol jk jk jk im glad u feel better tho...temp of 106!!! thats crazy..atleast u kno u hot lol

    p.s. i saw my name in there!! WOOT WOOT!! lol

  2. this quentin...

    "The back of the box said excitability may occur && they was not lying"

    im over here dyin at that... i woulda said somethin like dat... but btw.. NO ONE HAS EVER DIED OVER A NYQUIL OVERDOSE... i take like 6 asprins when i get a headache... im still alive...


Heycomment me! :) ♥