*deep inhale. long sigh && a few blinks. clears throat*
So... he asked me to make him a blog, so this is what I'm doing :) :
I've been knowing him for 3 years. Well a little bit over 3 years. Chi-Town meets MIA !
But anyways :), he's like a freaking bro to me. when i talk to him, I just feel I should tell him every-single-thing. He's like a best friend/brother, so I tell him everything, even if he don't care && I hope he can tell me everything. He come for advice, I don't need advice :) I go to him just so he can listen && I don't want someone to tell me their side of the story, keep it to yourself Kwesi :). But I'm glad you do that. At least I know you're listening and everything. I call him Keith. I just love that name. So if i skip from Kwesi to Keith, then that's just my ADD kicking in :)
Yeah I did go out with him. It was like best friends-turned-boyfriend && girlfriend. I broke up with him ( haha ] && I wanted him back. but then he started dating this girl && *weird hand gestures*. It was crazy. We didn't talk for a year ( thanks a lot ]. But now we are && yay! Even if you say it's hard for you to keep conversation with me, because I grew up too fast, Keith, just know that you're still my Ride or Die. We're still best friends && I'lll tell you any.freaking.thing.I.want. :) no matter how weird it'll be. && u better tell me everything too :)
Okay this is getting weird && all ( i'm having a hard time blogging in dedication for someone ], but I love ya. I always will && don't forget that ♥♥♥♥♥ && a thousand hearts more.
xoxo, Marissa.
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