
Hello Little People

Oh Em Gee. Its Me!

My photo
My name is Marissa & im the #1 Jerk (: but really tho. im only 14 but im sorta mature for my age. im a Scorpio & i love the way I am. no one can change that. Im sorry. :]

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Another Year Closer to Death

Such the pessimistic ! Haha. But a lot of people are saying everything about New Year's Resolutions and all. I mean, that's nice and all, but have you noticed that a rare amount of people actually follow them 365 days of a year ( 366 for a leap year ]. I know I was one of the people to do that. I was around 12 and all, so now that I'm older, I know that for a fact I'm not going to follow them all year. I'm too lazy. And another part about that is that people have too many goals for a year. I know people that have pages and pages. Seriously ? 

I'm not depressed or anything. It's just another day to me out of the million that has passed already. The only difference is that the number on the calender increased by a number. I'm just going to try to get through another year without any problems ( or no major ones ] && the majority of the times, I'm happy. I advice you all to do the same :).

One good thing to think about is that it's a new decade and time really has passed. Try looking back on ten years and see how far you've come ? Good ? Bad ? You want to change it ? If so, get to it ! :). Maybe now this year I can learn to juggle money more wisely :) 

Well I guess I'm done. Another year. Have fun.


Rissa B =X

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Disney Channel = F +

Alright. How bad Disney have gotten. By that, I mean with movies, tv shows and the actors/actresses. Before, "back in the day", we use to watch That's so Raven, The Proud Family, Lizzie McGuire, Even Stevens and a lot more.  Those were the best shows! You could watch Disney Channel all day back then! No lie. It was so good. Now, I don't even watch it. It's so stupid! Hannah Montana  was the only good one, until this damn Sonny/Sunny with a Chance, Wizards of Waverly Place and Suite Life on Deck! They suck now. Phineas and Ferb is alright. I guess it's something to watch when you're bored or whatever. I'm not asking for 5 star, perfect episodes, but DARN IT ! I want to be entertained for 20-30 freaking minutes. And I know I can watch other things on tv and I do, but I use to love Disney. Now every time I turn to it, I may have to jump & cringe in disgust ! It's pointless and Disney just needs to START OVER ! ( with new people that can act and sing well ! )

Monday, December 7, 2009

Squares !

In blog again... in "blog" again ?

I mean in school ! :D

But it's snowing ! Yay :D

I know I really don't blog a lot, because since Mercedes stopped... I don't have much.. topics ?
But now I'm in 3rd period ( UGHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!! ]
&& Kristie is bugging me about a CERTAIN SOMEBODY !!!!
I'm Bored ! && I have Figi water ( the expensive kind !] ! Yay ! :D
&& I'm hungry and they're talking about biscuits...

What else can I talk about ? Isn't it weird that people say "you should SO come to my school."
... What's wrong with my school ? I mean, YEAH, my school is pretty hectic and all, but, I mean... Don't suggest I go to your school. I LIKE MY SCHOOL ! Thank you. Your school is awesome and all but I don't want to go to you school. I like my friends, I like your friends, but... let's drop it !
But whatever... I'll think about it.
Isn't it weird how teachers say Science Fair is SO important, but they aren't even all that serious about it. It's so ... whatever.
Uh... Shelby think she's a beast playing Solitaire. Uh, NO ! :D
My friend just said she'll give me money just so I can type her papers, because I type like hella fast.

Okay, I'm bored even more and I'm talking about absolutely nothing, so...


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

School is Cool...NOT !

In school right now... on the computers, because we are supposed to do things for science fair, but I did all my stuff so....THAT'S MY STORY ! :-/
Uh... Chris says Hi. :)
But this is so boring ! We have like...12 more minutes left and there is seriously nothing to do. Other than me, Chondolyn and Chris talking, and the sound of our mouses and keyboards, it's dead silence. It's like we're held at gun point.
Chris is talking about sports, and me not being the very educated one in sports, I just look and smile. Some of the stuff he's saying IS interesting, but I have no idea who he's talking about.
Except for Kobe Bryant and Charmelo Anthony. But when it gets to football "uh...*light giggle* yup."
Chondolyn is looking up celebrities and the rumors of all of them.
Now I have to help Chris on his work so uh... BYE !
+today is the 24th right ?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Leading Nerd

Okay so today was report card pick-up and everything.
All As && 1 B ! Yay
Smarts ! :]
Uhm... okay so everything is gravy until we get to some teachers.
One said I talk to much.
This is no new news because I have been talking to much ever since I've started school.
Just gotta try to work on it.
But then some teachers were like "Marissa is an excellent student. She has to set an example for the kids around her"
I got so mad !
That's not a bad thing. That's actually a good thing, but I'm misunderstood.
I can't control the people around me and how they're education are.
Setting an example won't make them follow me.
I can keep doing what I do and nothing will change.
Just time.
... So that's what I'll keep doing. I'll keep getting my good grades and watch how they'll keep doing what they do. I don't have the charisma to have people follow me.
At least I don't think so.
Everyone believes in me, but me.

Friday, November 13, 2009


I've been gone kind of long, right ?
Nothing to really blog about anymore...
Well my week was good !
Monday : uh... i 4got :O Oh wait ! No I didnt ! lmao. So for some reason, me and my best friend, Mercedes, swapped lunches. Not really, because I was out with my mom over the weekend and saw Vienna sausage && I thought of Mercedes, so I got em. She love those ! AND THEY ARE SOOOO NASTY !!!!!! So she made me a sandwhich and brought like 6 bags of chips for me. I'm not lying. I had so many bags of chips, I was eating 1 in class, I gave 1 my gym teacher, I had like 2 in Lunch and I still had some when I went home. smh. Wow ! :]
Uhm.. so in lunch time, she brought out the Viennas and people were like OMG !!! It was hilarious. people were trying em out && spitting em out. The twins were throwing down ! I'm like OMG WHY ?! This boy was putting them on display for people to be like EWWW or watever. It was hilarious.
Tuesday: I forgot.
Wednesday: No School ! Go veterans ! Hung out with my mommy all day ! So much fun ! We got our hair done and everything :] My hair is so bouncy ! I love running :] It's so fun ! I feel like those ladies in the shampoo commercials when their hair be like ... majorly flowy ! :] && I had Subway ! Yay :D
Thursday: So much fun. Really can't remember, but I know I had fun all yesterday. Oh yeah ! I played UNO on facebook with my friends and i won twice ! yay 2 outta 3 :]
Friday (today yay!]: Today was good. Me && mercedes swapped iPods && people have been like on our iPods all day. It's weird because when WE have OUR iPods, no one really care. But i had her iPod && people were like OMG UR IPOD IS SO SEXY! ( it has Tupac on the front && Drake on the back] ; Mercedes has my iPod && people are asking her what's on it. Apparently, I have "white music" on my "girly" iPod ... interesting lol. I got mad at this girl for being like ... what's the word I want to use.. controlling over a guy that isn't even her boyfriend ! I mean she's yanking him away from girls and stuff...

S-P-R-U-N-G ! :) whatevers.
Watching Bee Movie ( u dont care; I know ]


Friday, November 6, 2009

Youtube vid

Alright. So I just finished watching this Youtube video ( for the 20th time ]
IDK if I can post the video, but it's so funny to me.
It's a spoof about like Boy Bands (underage] singing about grown, old, creepy men having sex with them.
the beat is catchy and everything lol

if it doesn't show. Just go to Youtube, of course, type in Boy Band by derrickcomedy.
They are hilarious