
Hello Little People

Oh Em Gee. Its Me!

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My name is Marissa & im the #1 Jerk (: but really tho. im only 14 but im sorta mature for my age. im a Scorpio & i love the way I am. no one can change that. Im sorry. :]

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Disney Channel = F +

Alright. How bad Disney have gotten. By that, I mean with movies, tv shows and the actors/actresses. Before, "back in the day", we use to watch That's so Raven, The Proud Family, Lizzie McGuire, Even Stevens and a lot more.  Those were the best shows! You could watch Disney Channel all day back then! No lie. It was so good. Now, I don't even watch it. It's so stupid! Hannah Montana  was the only good one, until this damn Sonny/Sunny with a Chance, Wizards of Waverly Place and Suite Life on Deck! They suck now. Phineas and Ferb is alright. I guess it's something to watch when you're bored or whatever. I'm not asking for 5 star, perfect episodes, but DARN IT ! I want to be entertained for 20-30 freaking minutes. And I know I can watch other things on tv and I do, but I use to love Disney. Now every time I turn to it, I may have to jump & cringe in disgust ! It's pointless and Disney just needs to START OVER ! ( with new people that can act and sing well ! )

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