
Hello Little People

Oh Em Gee. Its Me!

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My name is Marissa & im the #1 Jerk (: but really tho. im only 14 but im sorta mature for my age. im a Scorpio & i love the way I am. no one can change that. Im sorry. :]

Monday, December 7, 2009

Squares !

In blog again... in "blog" again ?

I mean in school ! :D

But it's snowing ! Yay :D

I know I really don't blog a lot, because since Mercedes stopped... I don't have much.. topics ?
But now I'm in 3rd period ( UGHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!! ]
&& Kristie is bugging me about a CERTAIN SOMEBODY !!!!
I'm Bored ! && I have Figi water ( the expensive kind !] ! Yay ! :D
&& I'm hungry and they're talking about biscuits...

What else can I talk about ? Isn't it weird that people say "you should SO come to my school."
... What's wrong with my school ? I mean, YEAH, my school is pretty hectic and all, but, I mean... Don't suggest I go to your school. I LIKE MY SCHOOL ! Thank you. Your school is awesome and all but I don't want to go to you school. I like my friends, I like your friends, but... let's drop it !
But whatever... I'll think about it.
Isn't it weird how teachers say Science Fair is SO important, but they aren't even all that serious about it. It's so ... whatever.
Uh... Shelby think she's a beast playing Solitaire. Uh, NO ! :D
My friend just said she'll give me money just so I can type her papers, because I type like hella fast.

Okay, I'm bored even more and I'm talking about absolutely nothing, so...


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