
Hello Little People

Oh Em Gee. Its Me!

My photo
My name is Marissa & im the #1 Jerk (: but really tho. im only 14 but im sorta mature for my age. im a Scorpio & i love the way I am. no one can change that. Im sorry. :]

Friday, November 13, 2009


I've been gone kind of long, right ?
Nothing to really blog about anymore...
Well my week was good !
Monday : uh... i 4got :O Oh wait ! No I didnt ! lmao. So for some reason, me and my best friend, Mercedes, swapped lunches. Not really, because I was out with my mom over the weekend and saw Vienna sausage && I thought of Mercedes, so I got em. She love those ! AND THEY ARE SOOOO NASTY !!!!!! So she made me a sandwhich and brought like 6 bags of chips for me. I'm not lying. I had so many bags of chips, I was eating 1 in class, I gave 1 my gym teacher, I had like 2 in Lunch and I still had some when I went home. smh. Wow ! :]
Uhm.. so in lunch time, she brought out the Viennas and people were like OMG !!! It was hilarious. people were trying em out && spitting em out. The twins were throwing down ! I'm like OMG WHY ?! This boy was putting them on display for people to be like EWWW or watever. It was hilarious.
Tuesday: I forgot.
Wednesday: No School ! Go veterans ! Hung out with my mommy all day ! So much fun ! We got our hair done and everything :] My hair is so bouncy ! I love running :] It's so fun ! I feel like those ladies in the shampoo commercials when their hair be like ... majorly flowy ! :] && I had Subway ! Yay :D
Thursday: So much fun. Really can't remember, but I know I had fun all yesterday. Oh yeah ! I played UNO on facebook with my friends and i won twice ! yay 2 outta 3 :]
Friday (today yay!]: Today was good. Me && mercedes swapped iPods && people have been like on our iPods all day. It's weird because when WE have OUR iPods, no one really care. But i had her iPod && people were like OMG UR IPOD IS SO SEXY! ( it has Tupac on the front && Drake on the back] ; Mercedes has my iPod && people are asking her what's on it. Apparently, I have "white music" on my "girly" iPod ... interesting lol. I got mad at this girl for being like ... what's the word I want to use.. controlling over a guy that isn't even her boyfriend ! I mean she's yanking him away from girls and stuff...

S-P-R-U-N-G ! :) whatevers.
Watching Bee Movie ( u dont care; I know ]


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