
Hello Little People

Oh Em Gee. Its Me!

My photo
My name is Marissa & im the #1 Jerk (: but really tho. im only 14 but im sorta mature for my age. im a Scorpio & i love the way I am. no one can change that. Im sorry. :]

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I mean I'm not about to pour my sob stories out to you,

But Me && my boyfriend just like officially broke up.

It's not like we wanted to...just....stuff happened. Family problems

I guess you can say. I've never wanted to hit the reset button so many times like I do right now.

Just want to change that one day that caused all this.

Uhm...well. We're friends, but I mean it's going to be hard. 

Cuz duh! I still have feelings for him. So giving him a hug in the hallways is going to take all the energy for me to get on with my day.

Can I talk to him about anything? Can i let my guard down around him?

I've never been so confused in my life..

...that's all.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

i'm down for ya baby hehe

That song by Keyshia Cole "Trust" is so...deep. I love every freakin word out that damn song! (sorry for the language) I can relate way too much. 

Have y'all ever listened to a song && u was like "aw yeah this song is nice. i can listen to this a few times every now and again"? 

But then when that bad boy starts to relate to you, u singin ever word/repeats/scratchin the CD/killing your iPod? 

Haha that's me! :] [just pressed repeat; u dont care..i know]

Haha that's all.

Well then! since we're talking about music. Eminem went hard on Mariah Carey! haha. that song Obsessed aint nothing to that diss Slim made about her. Haha. alrightys. that's all :]