
Hello Little People

Oh Em Gee. Its Me!

My photo
My name is Marissa & im the #1 Jerk (: but really tho. im only 14 but im sorta mature for my age. im a Scorpio & i love the way I am. no one can change that. Im sorry. :]

Monday, July 27, 2009

such an Unorganized Organization

Today, I found out just how wonderful my school really is.

So today was orientation. Big whoop-de-doo!

So me, friends && parents, etc. get in there to get started on the orientation.

But only thing we got was a freakin ORANGE folder with stupid emergency forms in it.

The system was "shut down" so we couldnt get our ID pics taken && we couldnt even freakin get our schedules. I'm like wat the ----!?

Our school colors arent even freakin orange!!

So we have to do all these junk when school starts && it's going to be chaotic!

*sigh* go panthers go!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Music Head

It's just a simple blog. Nothing to really talk about.
Just wanna say that I love music beyond belief.
It's the 1st non-human thing I love. 
Real Story.
I wouldn't know what i'll do without it.
I make the people around me mad when i show my love for music.
On a 24/7 schedule.
It's just the 1st thing that could ever show it will never leave me.
Even if i go, music is always there :)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Free Your Mind

i just thought about a quote
that can be used for anyone
,everyone, who is going
through hard times.
whether ur happy now
&& the problems are pushed aside
or the problems are now
&& the happiness is gone
its only three words,
but it can mean a lot.
"Free Your Mind"
of everything that
doesnt make you happy.
bcuz in the broken boned world, all we need to do
is cry with laughter, sweat with the heat of love
&& have pains from huge smiles.
we dont need sorrow && anger.
let our imagination run freely, act like a little kid,
&& have fun.
...that's all


okay so everything is going smoothly with me
&& my boyfriend
but i just got done reading some
eff my life's
&& they suck!
but i think everyone should go on there
&& post a FML
cuz i have a few.
like right now:
yesterday, i almost got hit by a bus.
i had the walk signal && i'm the one gettin honked
&& yelled at! FML

Saturday, July 4, 2009

iHate my Hair Stylist

So yesterday, i had plans to go places with friends && family or whatever.
but i told em all 'we'll have to pick a good time bcuz i have a hair appointment at
3' (remember that time okay? 3:00!).
so when i get there she doin sumbody's elses head
im like "wat the ----"
then she say come back in an hour (thats 4).
i go out && run a few errands && what-not.
she text me sayin come at 6 (so im already 3 hours behind. 3 hours i could have been out hangin wit my friends).
so when i come at 6, she go to eat (what?!)
then she come back around 6:30. she gets started on my head.
then when she's not even half way thru, (she juss gotta curl it;;around 7)
she go && say she gotta go pick up her car or sum sh*t.
so im waitin...and waiting....and waiting....and waiting...
then she dont get back til 9:30 (thats 6 && a half hours i could have been doin sumthin!)
she constantly distracted!! she dont get done wit my hair
until 10.
i get up, give her the money and walk out the door.
now am i wrong for that?! 7 hours of my life, my day wasted! over that bull.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

whats the point in wanting to know about me

Okay so...I said i was gonna do it...
So let me do it (your place or mine? lol jk)
Alrighty then! My About Me::
My name is Marissa Bacon (yes bacon...as in the breakfast food...go ahead. get ur laughs out!)
I am only fourteen (Yup! the big 1-4. hide ur rocks pedophiles!)
I live in Chicago (although my mind prefers for me to be in Candy Mountain with Charlie(: )
I am a Scorpio (does that auto. make me a freak?)
I am the youngest child (spoiled baby!...spoiled?!)
I go to a school with a very long name (:
I do not believe in love at first sight, but i do have gutt instincts (BATHROOM!!!)
I am sensitive, random, cool, down-to-earth, funny (i hope) && idk...i get really confused..
I love to talk even tho im kinda shy, i love to text, i hate to call people, i love to read even tho i have at least 5 books i need to finish, i love to shop even tho im broke, people say im spoiled but i think im not && i just love to love but hate to be hurt.
More about me?..then just ask and i might tell u (depending on the uncomfortableness of the Q)
Well i guess thats all. Peace

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Whoo Hoo i made a blog ...now what

Yeah...so...thanks to my good friend Mercedes. I have made a blog :)
No force or anything (U DONT HAVE TO ARREST HER!)
Its just her blogs are really cool & i want mines like that too *sniffles* (grabs tissue)
+Quick Link+ :: benzowest23.blogspot.com ::
I use to blog before but then like...iono. i kinda stop (in the name of loveeee...righttttt...)
So i guess i'll start all over again
I will like...do my "About Me" in the next one, but i juss wanted to make a lil
retarded intro (no disrespect).
So Yeah!...u'll see a lot of dots && "so yeah"s and "uhm..."s in my blogs a lot
cuz thats the way i talk.
"like im mentally distressed!
but thats just me!
yay!!!! (clears throat)"
so bye!